Dear community, welcome to our fourth #DevLog. It’s been a while.. I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year! Things are now back up to pace here after a nice festive break for most of us and we are quickly approaching that first milestone.. Our first playtest! Stay tuned for that.
New Recruits
The end of 2021 saw a few new faces join the team, including myself. I’m capsLOCK, I joined the art team as a 3D artist in November. Also joining the art team we have Bivan, another 3D artist (Just wait ’til you see his trees) and Popkac, who is working on the UI. We have been busy working on the various assets going into the playtest, all of which are looking incredible.. If I do say so myself. Here’s a peek at some of the assets we’ve created. An early texture test for the glider pad made by myself and the mineral scanner you will all be using created by Bivan!

The programming team have also had some new additions; Edward and Mike-Melgren have joined the coding wizards and are busy implementing exciting new features! (More on that further down).
Flora and Fauna (Minus the Fauna)
One of the main subjects the art team have been focusing on is the environment we are all going to be exploring. With the playtest fast approaching we have been busy making sure the world is filled with exotic scenery. From towering trees with cascading foliage to unique rock formations and cliffsides, we have a lot going on in the pipeline. Bivan and Storoj have been hard at work bringing to life some of the most amazing plant life. These Concepts by TomΓ‘Ε‘ give you an idea of what you might come across out in the wild.

Some of these designs have already had the 3D treatment and are looking great, taking every aspect of what makes a Sci Fi planet mesmirizing. Bivan has worked his magic on bringing this particular tree to life.. Some may think he’s a secret dendrologist.

There’s so much more we cannot wait to show you but lets not give it all away before the playtest. I’m sure we’ll have some more fantastic art to show you next time!
Who Called Shotgun?
Over in the Programming corner, those coding wizards have been cooking up a little something for our loadouts.. something for those up close and personal moments. The shotgun weapon type is a crowd favourite in any shooter and you’ll be pleased to know it packs quite the punch. This will be available to check out in the playtest (you’re gonna love it!). Here’s a little peek at the shotgun you’ll be shooting bugs with, made by Master Storoj.

Any Last Words?
Another exciting development is the change over to Vulkan Graphics API which means we have compatibility with Linux as well! Stay tuned for more on that.
That about wraps things up for this #devlog. I hope you guys made it to the end without too much cringing (maybe I’ll get to write another one). It’s been said a few times that the playtest is very close and believe me it is. We are working hard in our free time to get things done and, as I’m sure you can all appreciate, free time isn’t always available. Those pesky 9 to 5’s get in the way of the things we love to do but we persist.
Thank you for staying with us, keep an eye on our Discord channel so you don’t miss on any of our news!